Whiteness and its insidious hold on our electorate

Lisa Bailey
3 min readOct 15, 2020

As I sit next to our pool at my new home in Las Vegas, I am feeling enraged at the amount of ignorance being spewed and just sheer nastiness that our nation has devolved into. It is shocking to me that there still seem to be such a large number of “white” folks who can’t see the forest through their privileged, gold coated trees. Our nation is not just facing the Pandemic of Covid-19, but the Pandemic of white supremacy and the evils of racism. I was listening to a story a few weeks ago re. Portland. The mayor was pleading to folks, please, stay away! Let them de-escalate the situation, do not add any more fuel to their violence. The phrase Anti-Fascists came up as being on the other side as the white supremacists. What I can’t figure out is, when did being Anti-Fascist become controversial???

Let’s break it down… anti, meaning against, not for, and then fascist, which is a dictatorship type regime where the leader is oppressive to anyone who does not conform. So, that means those against Antifa are FOR that type of government control? Have they EVER read a history book or met someone who experienced the Holocaust? I mean, its absurd!

I understand disagreeing with the tactics a group or organization chooses to use in order to accomplish their goals, but unfortunately, that is what is now being discussed and not the goals. Black Lives Matter has a similar, but additional problem. The insidious racism that has a hold of our country and her inhabitants can’t seem to get over the fact that we ALL do matter, yes, including Black lives…. and until they actually matter, we will continue to say, BLACK LIVES MATTER.

Again, how controversial is that?

What IS controversial? A racist-in-chief who refuses to acknowledge science, even when he has first hand knowledge. Its not even willful ignorance, its deceptive ignorance, because he knows. He knows how bad this is, he know how bad it could be and THAT is why he’s working so mother-effing hard to convince us all that its NBD (no big deal)! He’s trying to get us all killed, but the real enemy is Antifa? Yeah, right?!

What also SHOULD be controversial is putting a woman on the Supreme Court 3 weeks before an election that will wield her power to undo all the protections the Supreme Court has previously put into place for women, LGBTQIA and BIPOC. We will see the dismantling of Roe v. Wade, further damage to the voting rights act and any other civil rights we managed to eek out of them over the last 40 years and say bye-bye to Marriage equality. There is nothing but vitriolic disgust I have for this nominee. I will not even say her name. The fact that “moderate” Republicans are following all over themselves to get into lock-step to confirm her is even more maddening, although, not unexpected.

She was so amazingly good at NOT answering their questions, yet, in the non-answers, she gave her resounding conservative views. That our champion of women’s rights, Ruth Bader Ginsburg is being replaced with this ideologue whose only claim to fame currently is how many times she’s spoken at hate rallies, throws me into a little bit of a despair. I’m not going to allow her to let me stay there, she isn’t worth it, but whew! Its been a rough week, listening to her tap dance around it all.

Here’s the deal folks, we have an election coming up, just in case you’ve been under a rock and missed all the misery. VOTE!!! Make sure your friends, family, acquaintances, co-workers, mailperson, grocery clerk, hair dresser, trainer, dog groomer, etc. ALL VOTE! If we vote out the monsters, we can help mitigate the damage and begin restoring our humanity. Because, if we don’t, we only have ourselves to blame…



Lisa Bailey

As an anti-racist activist from Montana, I take seriously my job as a woman of Northern European descent to dismantle white supremacy. How about you?